Get When the Times Get Tough, The Tough Get Journaling now!

Get your free copy of this 30-Day Journaling Workbook…When the Times Get Tough, the Tough Get Journaling!



* A workbook to provide you with concrete and specific exercises to support you on your journey through tough times.

* An opportunity to become more resilient, increase your ability for reflection and become your own personal source of renewal.

* A series of journaling exercises that will allow you to change the narrative or story you tell yourself.

This free gift was written by global journaling expert and IAJW Council Member, Susan Borkin…

Susan Borkin, PhD is a licensed psychotherapist and speaker based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 1978 she has specialized in the therapeutic use of journaling. A true pioneer, she was working in the field of writing therapy, before such a field even existed, and long before the word “journaling” became an internet buzzword.

Susan’s work is informed by both the fields of positive psychology and everyday creativity. She continues to hold a global vision of a world in which journaling is available to all and the pen is truly mightier than the sword.